CKA CFP® Certification Capstone + The Dalton Review - Ebook


    This package includes the CKA® Capstone Course and The Dalton Review®. Blended coursework with self-paced and live-online instruction. Live-online classes are recorded and available for playback. Students can begin the course at any time. This package is ideal for challenge candidates.
    Please Note: The deadline to complete this course is approximately one month prior to the CFP Board’s Education Verification Deadline for each exam. The CFP Board’s deadlines can be found here:   Please contact an enrollment advisor if you have timing questions before enrolling in this course. Students have 12 months from the date of purchase to complete the Capstone Course portion.
    NOTE: review materials for the July exam will be shipped around the end of February of that calendar year.
    CKA CFP® Certification Capstone + The Dalton Review - Ebook